5 Ways To Feel Fantastic This Festive Season

von Lena

Moz the Monster has made an appearance on our screens, and that can only mean one thing: the Christmas countdown has begun. So that means filling your baskets with festive goodies, letting your trainers gather dust under the Christmas tree and generally just lazing around until it’s time to think up some new year resolutions. Or does it? What if you could put the lead up to Christmas to better use? Here are 5 ways you could be feeling fantastic this festive season.

1. Keep an eye on what you eat

We all know that the average Christmas dinner is a calorific delight racking up around 7000 calories in a single meal but it’s not only on Christmas day that we indulge. In fact, throughout the month of December we can put on around 9lb from the extra treats. Everything from a mince pie with your morning coffee (around 450 calories) to a handful of Celebrations as you prepare your dinner (around 500 calories) can really pile on the pounds if you’re not careful.

2. Do your bit, and keep fit

Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year but whilst we can be generous when it comes to giving gifts, we can all be guilty of scrimping on our fitness. Try and combine your many tasks this month with some healthy activity too. Instead of buying absolutely everything online, head out to the shops to pick out some bits and get your daily steps in. Hand deliver some of those birthday cards that are local and fit in a jog. That’s what we call fitness efficiency!

3. Be drink aware

Charity Drinkaware says that 1 in 3 Brits will attend at least 3 festive events in December and more than half will drink alcohol at them. Over 602 million units of alcohol will be drunk in December say Drinkaware, and a good percentage of people report that this is the one month of the year when they’ll drink and not feel guilty. Stick to recommended daily guidelines and give yourself booze free days too, your liver and your fitness will thank you for it!

4. Organise a fitness friendly office party

The annual office party has gotten a pretty bad rep of late and it’s little wonder with employees admitting to all kinds of raucous behaviours at their festive ‘do’. It’s so bad in fact, that over half of all people say that their work’s party is something they dread. If you have any influence at all over what you do as a company this Christmas, opt for something fun that’s healthy too. A visit to a dry ski slope, a winter walk in the countryside, even a trip to your local winter wonderland.

5. Book an intense fitness plan

People often think of January as the ideal time to start a new fitness regime, but what if you did things a little differently and used the time between now and the New Year to achieve your fitness goals? Intense fitness plans generally include a number of sessions each week and nutrition advice too, and if there’s one time of year that you could do with some nutrition advice then December is probably it! Speak to us today about our range of transformation packages which include 6 and 12 week intense plans.

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