Keeping The January Fitness Motivation Going

von Lena

1. Get a plan.

So, you’ve got the intention to get fit this January, what you need now is the how. This is the most important bit. We have hundreds if not thousands of intentions that come to nothing, but making a plan is what gets things done. Whether that’s booking a first session with a PT, heading to a gym for an induction or pulling on your trainers for a run- what we want to know is not what you’re going to do but how you’re going to do it!

2. Get the pros in.

Who knows, you might be one of those people that tries fitness for the first time and never looks back. Trains 3-4 times a week, makes it part of their lifestyle, and doesn’t have to worry about motivation again. Or you might try it out and realise that you’re not a natural. That’s OK, not everyone is. And just like you sometimes have to get a pro in to tile your bathroom or submit your tax return, sometimes you have to get a pro in to give you that motivation boost and get you on the right path to fitness.

3. Don’t do mundane.

We can be our own worst enemies when it comes to fitness, making it so boring and monotonous that we weep at the mere thought of training. Little wonder then that the average January fitness recruit’s motivation has a shelf life of just 4 weeks. Give fitness a proper chance by keeping your training varied right from the start. It might seem easier to do the same workout every time you train, but trust us, your boredom threshold won’t thank you for it!

4. Find out what motivates you.

For a lot of people, committing to long term fitness programme such as a personal training plan or a gym membership will keep them motivated. There’s no way that they’ll be paying for something and not using it. For others, the worry of wasting money won’t be enough to get them off the sofa and onto the spin cycle. You’ve got to find the thing that motivates you and keep it forefront in your mind. Maybe it’s fear about not living long enough, or a desire to feel better about yourself. That’s your motivator, and anytime you want to slack, remind yourself why you’re doing it.

5. Track it.

Everyone works better when they are encouraged, but if you’re training on your own there’s no-one giving you that first bump that says you’re doing OK and motivation levels can soon start to dip. It’s always a good idea to track your progress, whether that’s with images showing changes in your body shape, with an app so you can see weight loss or an activity band so you can remind yourself how well you’re doing. Celebrate the wins, and keep your motivation levels high and you’ll be on the right track to a healthier, happier life.

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